Lella Cosmaro

Fondazione LILA Milan, Italy

Lella Cosmaro has been working in the HIV field since 1993 in an Italian NGO, LILA - the Italian League for Fighting AIDS - one of the leading national organizations. Over the years, LILA has become more and more involved in European policies and networks: Lella is the Italian member of the EU HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis Civil Society Forum, which she co-chaired for the period 2012-2015. She has been a Steering Committee member of AIDS Action Europe from 2011 thru 2016, is one of the External Advisory Board Members of the EATG, has been the civil society expert in a number of WHO missions in the European Region and is involved in some of the ECDC advisory groups. LILA has been and still is a partner of many European projects and Joint Actions and is deeply involved in Italian projects, advocacy and policy issues.